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Data-infused Comms and Its Evolution

Hotwire Global

By Eleana Stayer and Matt Oakley

The communications industry has made significant strides in identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) and using data inputs to measure the impact and success of brands’ communications programs or campaigns. Though this progress is laudable, there is still much room for growth – a key reason for our own evolution of our Hotwire CommsIQ products. What the industry needs now is to focus on utilizing data in more ways across campaign strategies, specifically when informing two essential aspects of communications:  

  1. A brand’s unique position to support its proposition and core narrative.
  2. The strategic focus areas of a brand’s comms led program or campaign.

At Hotwire, our unique data-led approach to communications sets our clients apart in their respective industries. Let’s explore how our approach can help brands breakthrough in new ways:

Identifying a Brand’s Unique and Optimal Position within Core Markets or Verticals

With today’s competitive technology and business landscape, brands must stand out amidst the noise. Success is no longer just about adopting concise message delivery formats, but also crafting the exact right message. Brands need to establish a clear position to inform their central narrative; otherwise, they risk blending into the chatter and failing to create brand awareness or perception that meaningfully engages with their target audiences.

Hotwire’s data-led communications approach combines customer and industry buying signals, through intent data, social listening, and media audit insights to analyze a brand’s unique positioning opportunity. This analysis lays the foundation for developing a central narrative and core messages that directly influence key audience targets and establish strong brand perception in desired markets or verticals.

Hotwire built an intent-driven comms strategy for Crayon to craft a targeted messaging strategy focused on IT Cost Optimization, which was identified as the topic with most resonance for their target audience. This led to a 30% increase in Share of voice, with over 15 pieces of coverage secured across key target publications.

Setting the Strategic Direction of Comms Led Campaigns to Create Long Term Brand Influence

Many communications professionals still rely on good old-fashioned intuition when it comes to devising brand campaign ideas. We focus on the big story and launch activation which is often fueled by over-the-top installations, day of news coverage, and short-lived videos that will be at the top of a feed for a day and then disappear. While all these elements are still important, they often don’t create lasting brand influence. To ensure that communication campaigns resonate and solidify a market position, brands must leverage intelligent data from customers, online conversations, and coverage.

By combining this data with ongoing insights-led campaign optimization, brand can identify unique industry focus areas, adapt to changing market dynamics, and measure message resonance across earned, paid, owned, and shared channels. Intent data too can provide the confidence and timeliness needed for brands to engage in relevant conversations and make informed decisions about campaign adjustments.

Data-led communications brings the strategic rigor the industry has long been needing. By integrating intelligent data into every stage of the communications process – brand narrative development, campaign strategy, execution, and measurement – communication professionals can demonstrate real business value for all their campaign efforts and meaningfully track the contribution programs are having on their brand’s success.

Utilize our intelligent data solutions to leverage audience-driven insights and identify the most effective strategies for success. Learn more.

If you’re interested in adopting this new way of delivering communication campaigns, we suggest you start by:

  1. Emphasizing the development of a strong central narrative and core messages based on unique positioning opportunities that are uncovered through cold hard data
  2. Regularly utilize data from various sources, such as intent data (customer and industry buying signals), social listening, and media audits, to inform your strategy
  3. Continuously optimize campaigns based on ongoing insights and cultivate the habit of easily adapting to ever-changing market conditions
  4. Measure message resonance across earned, paid, owned, and shared channels to determine the true value of your campaigns.

The future of brand communications lies in harnessing the power of data and insights, driving stronger connections with audiences, and ultimately, creating lasting value.