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Health Tech Weekly Round Up: 24 August

Hotwire Global

We take a look at this week’s biggest developments, research and investment news from the world of Health Tech. 

Facebook’s artificial intelligence to make MRI scans ten times faster  

Facebook is collaborating with NYU School of Medicine to develop artificial intelligence that could make MRI scans 10x faster. The aim is to reduce waiting times and make the diagnostic tool more accessible. Today, it takes about 15 minutes to an hour to take an MRI, while X-rays or CT scans take less than a minute. To help solve this problem, Facebook will use neural networks to recognise the structure of imaging and fill in views that were previously missing – in turn speeding up the scan.

Amazon hires a star cardiologist to help its push into health 

Amazon is continuing its push into the healthcare sector with the hire of a well-known cardiologist Maulik Majmudar. Before joining Amazon, Maulik worked as a cardiologist and associate director of the health-care transformation lab at Massachusetts General Hospital and he lectured at MIT. The details of the role haven’t been made public yet but he has experience in advising technology companies previous, such as Quanttus.

How Will Blockchain Impact Healthcare?  

In a recent roundtable, technology experts from companies such as CedarBridge Group and Blockchain in Healthcare Today, discussed how Blockchain will impact healthcare delivery and management. The panel talked about a range of benefits including gathering information from multiple sources, providing patients with greater control over their data, encouraging greater participation in patient-reported outcome performance measures and streamlining payments.

Join Hotwire at this year’s D/sruption Summit Europe 

Hotwire has partnered up with D/sruption, the collaborative membership community all about emerging technologies, new business models and what it takes to scale innovation in the 21st century. To celebrate the partnership, Hotwire are giving away a discount for up to 50% off Full Access tickets at the D/sruption Summit Europe in Bishopsgate, London on 4th September. Over the course of the day there will be discussions about how scale your business for today’s rapidly changing world from a host of inspiring speakers including BUPA, Collider Health and IMB. To get your discount code, please contact Maira Hayat 

Interesting reads for the weekend: