Deliver impact with the latest marketing, social, and communications trends
Marketing is dramatically changing, and it’s time-consuming to stay on top of the latest trends—and to predict which of them will lead to innovative, effective marketing strategies.
This week, we look at Google’s timeline for third party cookie alternative FLoC, new research revealing millennial women are driving Australia’s ‘finfluencer’ trend, what lessons brands should take away from this year’s Olympic Gamers and the latest study on what specific things Australians love most about different sized e-commerce offerings.
Google’s new cookie alternative, FLoC
According to Google’s new cookie alternative, targeted online marketing is not going away any time soon. The company has updated its timeline for the rollout of FLoC, its new cookie alternative. What does this mean for marketers? The new system allows the creation of targeted ads without exposing the details of individual users through third-party cookies, keeping consumer data secure while also ensuring marketers can still reach the audiences they need to.
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Research: Australian women turn to Finfluencers for financial freedom
New research has found that millennial women are driving the ‘Finfluencer’ trend in Australia. A finfluencer is an influencer that shares financial information and expertise on social media, with both the finfluencers themselves and their audiences skewing towards female millennials. Among finfluencers, 34 per cent are female aged 25-34 years, while only 16 per cent are male in the same age bracket. With the significant spending power millennials command, understanding how consumers view brands, products and services from a financial perspective may soon become an essential part of the brand/customer relationship, and a key differentiator when marketing to millennials.
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Report: changing consumer behaviours across entertainment and media
The Latest PwC Media and Entertainment Outlook report takes a closer look at this past year’s consumer trends and what we can expect in the future. Some key takeaways include a sharp decline in out-of-home entertainment as consumers embrace in-home experiences; additionally, streaming, Broadcast on Demand and interactive games all saw significant rises.
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The Olympic games: what lesson can brands learn
With lockdowns increasing consumer affinity with screens, and the very Australia-friendly time zone, it is expected more than 1 billion minutes of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be streamed, compared with 325 million minutes streamed for the 2016 Rio Olympics—presenting a huge opportunity for advertisers. This year’s Olympics will serve as a lesson in the potential success brands can have by pivoting to meet changing consumer expectations, especially as the consumption of in-home entertainment continues to soar.
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Report: What do Aussies love about big and small E-commerce offerings?
It seems there are no losers in the recent e-Commerce boom. New research from leading parcel delivery service CouriersPlease has revealed one in two Aussies loving the service and quality of small businesses. In addition, large retailers continue to impress consumers with more competitive prices and faster service. As e-Commerce continues to grow and Aussies turn to online retailers, it’s critical marketers understand the impact the digital experience has on the bottom line, and what’s driving customers to seek such contrasting experiences from big and small players alike.
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