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How to apply hybrid working trends to marketing

Jen Dobbie

Creative Director, Hotwire Australia

Over the past year, we’ve seen many businesses set out on an evolution to a hybrid working style. This reimagining of the traditional workplace ecosystem is changing not just the way people work, but also how they communicate.

So, it makes sense that we look to the future, businesses must be strategically positioning themselves to meet the changing needs of their now fragmented workforce.

We’ve all heard the new normal more times than we care to remember; and it seems that every article mentions digital transformation; so, let’s consider how these, and other, changing audience behaviours are changing the way marketing must work.

In this piece, we’ll talk through some thought starters, from the importance of understanding your audience, to driving effective outcomes.

To uncover the deeper nuggets, follow the link to our recent State of Hybrid Work Report, below.

Download the Report

Let’s start with understanding your audience

According to Gartner’s new research, 69% of employers expect at least half their employees to work remotely, even after the rollout of the vaccination program. As the work from anywhere model is clearly here to stay, people are seeking better, safer ways to communicate and collaborate. The pressure is on businesses to deliver a seamless work experience, both in and out of the office, with a growing demand for companies to embrace empathetic leadership.

All these movements have had a significant impact on communication professionals; to be found in the stories we tell, and how we tell them.

How to cut through the clutter

Rapid developments in technology have forever changed how we see employees, employers, and our idea of the modern office. The, once niche, digital nomads have become the norm, with businesses building more integrated tech stacks to compliment the diverse, connected, and agile environment workplaces have now become.

At Hotwire, for example, we’ve already started to see a new generation of digital-first BETA professionals who are driving the purchase of hardware and software. Having experienced the blurred reality of work and life through the pandemic and the 2008 GFC, these BETA professionals are not only adept with technology but have an active awareness of workplace culture. BETA professionals are willing to take activism for diversity in the workplace seriously, rallying around companies advocating these values.

So, as personal values start to shift, now is the time to ensure you’re considering your audiences values, and placing their needs at the heart of your proposition.

Ensuring effective outcomes (in hybrid work)

To capture the attention of this target audience, businesses must develop a clear brand purpose, act on social issues, and communicate boldly with an honest brand voice.

Communicators must be ready to understand why audience behaviours have changed and be able to clarify the true value their technology. Every business understands the pandemic has changed how we work and live. It will be the businesses who successfully communicate how their technology will positively impact people’s lives who will come out on top. These businesses will speak to a broader purpose for all key audiences – whether that be employees, prospects or customers.

ROI is key: how to measure and evaluate success

Consumers are putting their trust in, and wallets behind, brands who are more empathetic, not just in design, but in their practices – and measurement is the crucial first step in joining this journey.

Business leaders must understand their employees and customers on an individual level. More buyers want to buy from companies that do good, with BETAS driving this ethos. Overall, telling your story in a way which speaks to societal and individual progression; and leading with value, is key to cutting through the noise.

To discover more insights into communicating with audiences in the Hybrid Working reality, download the Hotwire Report, ‘The New State of Hybrid Work.’

Read it here: